This java program converts the number to its equivalent word representation according to indian numbering system. Eg. Lakhs, Crores etc..This program works upto 999999999.
import java.util.*; public class NumtoWord { public static void main(String[] args) { String a; Scanner s = new Scanner(; System.out.print("Enter a Number : "); a =; int b = a.length(); String str[] = {"1","One","2","Two","3","Three","4","Four","5","Five","6","Six","7","Seven","8","Eight","9","Nine","10","Ten","11","Eleven","12","Twelve","13","Thirteen","14","Forteen","15","Fifteen","16","Sixteen","17","Seventeen","18","Eighteen","19","Nineteen","20","Twenty","30","Thirty","40","Fourty","50","Fifty","60","Sixty","70","Seventy","80","Eighty","90","Ninty","100","Hundred"}; System.out.println(""); if (b==9) { String s1= a.substring(0,1); String s2= a.substring(1,2); String s3= a.substring(2,3); String s4= a.substring(3,4); String s5= a.substring(4,5); String s6= a.substring(5,6); String s7= a.substring(6,7); String s8= a.substring(7,8); String s9= a.substring(8,9); String s10= a.substring(0,2); String s11= a.substring(2,4); String s12= a.substring(4,6); String s14= a.substring(7,9); { if (s10.equals("00")) System.out.print(""); else if (s1.equals("1")) { for (int r=0;r<=40;r++) if (str[r].equals(s10)) System.out.print("\n" + str[r+1] + " Crore "); } else { { for (int i=0;i<=40;i++) if (str[i].equals(s1)) System.out.print("\n" + str[i+37] + " "); } { if(s2.equals("0")) { System.out.print("Crore "); } else for (int j=0;j<=40;j++) { if (str[j].equals(s2)) System.out.print(str[j+1] + " Crore "); } } } } { if (s11.equals("00")) System.out.print(""); else if (s3.equals("1")) { for (int r=0;r<=40;r++) if (str[r].equals(s11)) System.out.print(str[r+1] + " Lacks "); } else { { for (int k=0;k<=38;k++) if (str[k].equals(s3)) System.out.print(str[k+37] + " "); } { if(s4.equals("0")) { System.out.print("Lacks "); } else for (int l=0;l<=38;l++) { if (str[l].equals(s4)) System.out.print(str[l+1] + " Lacks "); } } } } { if (s12.equals("00")) System.out.print(""); else if (s5.equals("1")) { for (int r=0;r<=40;r++) if (str[r].equals(s12)) System.out.print(str[r+1] + " Thousand "); } else { { for (int m=0;m<=38;m++) if (str[m].equals(s5)) System.out.print(str[m+37] + " "); } { if(s6.equals("0")) { System.out.print("Thousand "); } else for (int n=0;n<=38;n++) { if (str[n].equals(s6)) System.out.print(str[n+1] + " Thousand "); } } } } { for (int o=0;o<=40;o++) if (str[o].equals(s7)) System.out.print(str[o+1] + " Hundred "); } { if (s14.equals("00")) System.out.print(""); else if (s8.equals("1")) { for (int r=0;r<=40;r++) if (str[r].equals(s14)) System.out.print(str[r+1]); System.out.print("\n"); } else { for (int p=0;p<=40;p++) if (str[p].equals(s8)) System.out.print(str[p+37]); for (int q=0;q<=40;q++) { if (str[q].equals(s9)) System.out.print(" " + str[q+1]); } } System.out.print("\n"); } } else if (b==8) { String s1= a.substring(0,1); String s2= a.substring(1,2); String s3= a.substring(2,3); String s4= a.substring(3,4); String s5= a.substring(4,5); String s6= a.substring(5,6); String s7= a.substring(6,7); String s8= a.substring(7,8); String s10= a.substring(1,3); String s11= a.substring(3,5); String s12= a.substring(6,8); { if (s1.equals("0")) System.out.print(""); else for (int i=0;i<=40;i++) if (str[i].equals(s1)) System.out.print("\n" + str[i+1] + " Crore "); } { if (s10.equals("00")) System.out.print(""); else if (s2.equals("1")) { for (int r=0;r<=40;r++) if (str[r].equals(s10)) System.out.print(str[r+1] + " Lacks "); } else { { for (int k=0;k<=38;k++) if (str[k].equals(s2)) System.out.print(str[k+37] + " "); } { if(s3.equals("0")) { System.out.print("Lacks "); } else for (int l=0;l<=38;l++) { if (str[l].equals(s3)) System.out.print(str[l+1] + " Lacks "); } } } } { if (s11.equals("00")) System.out.print(""); else if (s4.equals("1")) { for (int r=0;r<=40;r++) if (str[r].equals(s11)) System.out.print(str[r+1] + " Thousand "); } else { { for (int m=0;m<=38;m++) if (str[m].equals(s4)) System.out.print(str[m+37] + " "); } { if(s5.equals("0")) { System.out.print("Thousand "); } else for (int n=0;n<=38;n++) { if (str[n].equals(s5)) System.out.print(str[n+1] + " Thousand "); } } } } { for (int o=0;o<=40;o++) if (str[o].equals(s6)) System.out.print(str[o+1] + " Hundred "); } { if (s12.equals("00")) System.out.print(""); else if (s7.equals("1")) { for (int r=0;r<=40;r++) if (str[r].equals(s12)) System.out.print(str[r+1]); System.out.print("\n"); } else { for (int p=0;p<=40;p++) if (str[p].equals(s7)) System.out.print(str[p+37]); for (int q=0;q<=40;q++) { if (str[q].equals(s8)) System.out.print(" " + str[q+1]); } } System.out.print("\n"); } } else if (b==7) { String s1= a.substring(0,1); String s2= a.substring(1,2); String s3= a.substring(2,3); String s4= a.substring(3,4); String s5= a.substring(4,5); String s6= a.substring(5,6); String s7= a.substring(6,7); String s10= a.substring(0,2); String s11= a.substring(2,4); String s12= a.substring(5,7); { if (s10.equals("00")) System.out.print(""); else if (s1.equals("1")) { for (int r=0;r<=40;r++) if (str[r].equals(s10)) System.out.print(str[r+1] + " Lacks "); } else { { for (int k=0;k<=38;k++) if (str[k].equals(s1)) System.out.print(str[k+37] + " "); } { if(s2.equals("0")) { System.out.print("Lacks "); } else for (int l=0;l<=38;l++) { if (str[l].equals(s2)) System.out.print(str[l+1] + " Lacks "); } } } } { if (s11.equals("00")) System.out.print(""); else if (s3.equals("1")) { for (int r=0;r<=40;r++) if (str[r].equals(s11)) System.out.print(str[r+1] + " Thousand "); } else { { for (int m=0;m<=38;m++) if (str[m].equals(s3)) System.out.print(str[m+37] + " "); } { if(s4.equals("0")) { System.out.print("Thousand "); } else for (int n=0;n<=38;n++) { if (str[n].equals(s4)) System.out.print(str[n+1] + " Thousand "); } } } } { for (int o=0;o<=40;o++) if (str[o].equals(s5)) System.out.print(str[o+1] + " Hundred "); } { if (s12.equals("00")) System.out.print(""); else if (s6.equals("1")) { for (int r=0;r<=40;r++) if (str[r].equals(s12)) System.out.print(str[r+1]); System.out.print("\n"); } else { for (int p=0;p<=40;p++) if (str[p].equals(s6)) System.out.print(str[p+37]); for (int q=0;q<=40;q++) { if (str[q].equals(s7)) System.out.print(" " + str[q+1]); } } System.out.print("\n"); } } else if (b==6) { String s1= a.substring(0,1); String s2= a.substring(1,2); String s3= a.substring(2,3); String s4= a.substring(3,4); String s5= a.substring(4,5); String s6= a.substring(5,6); String s10= a.substring(1,3); String s11= a.substring(4,6); { if(s1.equals("0")) System.out.print(""); else { for (int j=0;j<=40;j++) if (str[j].equals(s1)) System.out.print(str[j+1] + " Lacks "); } } { if (s10.equals("00")) System.out.print(""); else if (s2.equals("1")) { for (int r=0;r<=40;r++) if (str[r].equals(s10)) System.out.print(str[r+1] + " Thousand "); } else { { for (int m=0;m<=40;m++) if (str[m].equals(s2)) System.out.print(str[m+37] + " "); } { if(s3.equals("0")) { System.out.print("Thousand "); } else for (int n=0;n<=38;n++) { if (str[n].equals(s3)) System.out.print(str[n+1] + " Thousand "); } } } } { if(s4.equals("0")) System.out.print(""); else { for (int o=0;o<=40;o++) if (str[o].equals(s4)) System.out.print(str[o+1] + " Hundred "); } } { if (s11.equals("00")) System.out.print(""); else if (s5.equals("1")) { for (int r=0;r<=40;r++) if (str[r].equals(s11)) System.out.print(str[r+1]); System.out.print("\n"); } else { for (int p=0;p<=40;p++) if (str[p].equals(s5)) System.out.print(str[p+37]); for (int q=0;q<=40;q++) { if (str[q].equals(s6)) System.out.print(" " + str[q+1]); } } System.out.print("\n"); } } else if (b==5) { String s1= a.substring(0,1); String s2= a.substring(1,2); String s3= a.substring(2,3); String s4= a.substring(3,4); String s5= a.substring(4,5); String s10= a.substring(0,2); String s11= a.substring(3,5); { if (s10.equals("00")) System.out.print(""); else if (s1.equals("1")) { for (int r=0;r<=40;r++) if (str[r].equals(s10)) System.out.print(str[r+1] + " Thousand "); } else { { for (int m=0;m<=38;m++) if (str[m].equals(s1)) System.out.print(str[m+37] + " "); } { if(s2.equals("0")) { System.out.print("Thousand "); } else for (int n=0;n<=38;n++) { if (str[n].equals(s2)) System.out.print(str[n+1] + " Thousand "); } } } } { for (int o=0;o<=40;o++) if (str[o].equals(s3)) System.out.print(str[o+1] + " Hundred "); } { if (s11.equals("00")) System.out.print(""); else if (s4.equals("1")) { for (int r=0;r<=40;r++) if (str[r].equals(s11)) System.out.print(str[r+1]); System.out.print("\n"); } else { for (int p=0;p<=40;p++) if (str[p].equals(s4)) System.out.print(str[p+37]); for (int q=0;q<=40;q++) { if (str[q].equals(s5)) System.out.print(" " + str[q+1]); } } System.out.print("\n"); } } else if (b==4) { String s1= a.substring(0,1); String s2= a.substring(1,2); String s3= a.substring(2,3); String s4= a.substring(3,4); String s10= a.substring(2,4); { if(s1.equals("0")) System.out.print(""); else { for (int j=0;j<=40;j++) if (str[j].equals(s1)) System.out.print(str[j+1] + " Thousand "); } } { if(s2.equals("0")) System.out.print(""); else { for (int o=0;o<=40;o++) if (str[o].equals(s2)) System.out.print(str[o+1] + " Hundred "); } } { if (s10.equals("00")) System.out.print(""); else if (s3.equals("1")) { for (int r=0;r<=40;r++) if (str[r].equals(s10)) System.out.print(str[r+1]); System.out.print("\n"); } else { for (int p=0;p<=40;p++) if (str[p].equals(s3)) System.out.print(str[p+37]); for (int q=0;q<=40;q++) { if (str[q].equals(s4)) System.out.print(" " + str[q+1]); } } System.out.print("\n"); } } else if (b==3) { String s1= a.substring(0,1); String s2= a.substring(1,2); String s3= a.substring(2,3); String s10= a.substring(1,3); { if(s1.equals("0")) System.out.print(""); else { for (int o=0;o<=40;o++) if (str[o].equals(s1)) System.out.print(str[o+1] + " Hundred "); } } { if (s10.equals("00")) System.out.print(""); else if (s2.equals("1")) { for (int r=0;r<=40;r++) if (str[r].equals(s10)) System.out.print(str[r+1]); System.out.print("\n"); } else { for (int p=0;p<=40;p++) if (str[p].equals(s2)) System.out.print(str[p+37]); for (int q=0;q<=40;q++) { if (str[q].equals(s3)) System.out.print(" " + str[q+1]); } } System.out.print("\n"); } } else if (b==2) { String s1= a.substring(0,1); String s2= a.substring(1,2); String s10= a.substring(0,2); { if (s10.equals("00")) System.out.print(""); else if (s1.equals("1")) { for (int r=0;r<=40;r++) if (str[r].equals(s10)) System.out.print(str[r+1]); System.out.print("\n"); } else { for (int p=0;p<=40;p++) if (str[p].equals(s1)) System.out.print(str[p+37]); for (int q=0;q<=40;q++) { if (str[q].equals(s2)) System.out.print(" " + str[q+1]); } } System.out.print("\n"); } } else if (b==1) { String s1= a.substring(0,1); for (int q=0;q<=40;q++) if (str[q].equals(s1)) System.out.print(" " + str[q+1]); } System.out.println("\n"); } }
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